This article explains how to connect GitLab to Expel Workbench.


You must have:

  1. A GitLab SaaS installation. Reach out to your customer success engineer or contact support if you’re using the self-managed version.

  2. A user account with owner permissions on the top-level group.

Quick Links

Step 1: Generate an API Token

  1. Log in to GitLab.

  2. Open your Profile menu and select Preferences.

  3. Click Access Tokens.

  4. Generate a Personal Access Token with a 1-year expiry date and a read_api permission level.

Step 2: Configure the Technology in Workbench

Now that we have the correct access configured and noted the credentials, we can integrate your tech with Workbench.

  1. In a new browser tab, log in to Workbench. The link opens the Add Security Device screen directly.

  2. Fill in the fields like this:

    • Add a Name and Location that are meaningful to you.

    • For API token, use the Personal Access Token generated in Step 1.

    • For On-prem URL, if the server is self-managed, use the GitLab server URL.