This article explains how to connect Next-Gen WAF to Workbench.

Quick Start

Step 1: Enable console access

  1. Navigate to Corp Manage and click Corp Users.

  2. Type the email address listed below and select User role and site memberships for Expel to watch.

    • Email: soc+<Your_Organization_Name>

      Yes, the "+" sign is part of the email address, and it's important. Click here to find out why.

    • Role: User

  3. Click Invite User.

  4. After the user is invited, notify your engagement manager to expect an email for account activation and password setup.

Step 2: Enable API access for Expel

  1. Go to My Profile and select API Access Tokens.

  2. Click Add API access token.

  3. Type Expel API as the name and click Create API access token.

  4. Copy the Token value and save it for later.

  5. Click Continue to finish creating the access token.

Step 3: Configure the technology in Workbench

  1. In a new browser tab, log in to

  2. Type the required information as follows:

    Add Fastly Next-Gen WAF security device
    • For Name and Location, type Next-Gen WAF and Cloud.

    • For Username, type the user created in Step 1.

    • For API key, type the access token generated in Step 2.

    • For Server address, type the host name of the Next-Gen WAF dashboard.

  3. Click Save.