This article provides onboarding steps for SentinelOne. Connecting the Expel Workbench to SentinelOne installation requires a user account with the proper level of access, API access, and an API authentication token. The first step is to create a new user account in SentinelOne and configure the account with the proper roles. The next step is to enable API access for the new user account. After that's complete, you can connect SentinelOne to Workbench and test the connection.
For the Expel SOC to fully triage and perform deeper investigations of SentinelOne alerts, the SentinelOne Deep Visibility module is required.
In this article
Step 1: Create new user account and role in SentinelOne
This step creates a user account for Expel that keeps the Expel activity separate from other activity on the SentinelOne console.
Expel secures all login information our SOC analysts need about your devices in an MFA password product. Access to this login information is protected using our internal MFA processes. To learn more about the IP addresses all Expel traffic comes from, go here.
Log into SentinelOne, navigate to Settings > Users > Roles. Duplicate the Viewer role.
Rename the new Viewer role: Viewer - Expel.
Add these additional permissions:
Endpoints: Remote Shell, Initiate Scan, File Fetch, Fetch Logs, and Search on Deep Visibility.
Endpoint Threat: Fetch Threat File.
Navigate to Settings > Users and click New User.
For Full Name type Expel SOC.
For Email Address type soc+<Your_Organization_Name>
Yes, the "+" sign is part of the email address, and it's important. Click here to find out why. -
Assign the Expel SOC account to the Viewer - Expel role.
Notify your engagement manager that the new account is created and the registration email is sent.
Step 2: Enable API access for Expel
Navigate to Settings > User and click New User.
For Full Name type Expel API.
For Email Address type soc+<your_org_name>
Yes, the "+" sign is part of the email address, and it's important. Click here to find out why. -
Role Settings: IR Team is the least privileged role that gives Expel the necessary API permissions for polling alerts and disconnecting/isolating hosts.
Navigate to settings on the left side panel and click Users.
Find the Expel User created for API access.
Edit the API user's details and select the checkbox next to Can generate API Token.
Notify your engagement manager that the new account is created and the registration email is sent.
Step 3: Create an authentication token that allows the Expel Workbench to access the SentinelOne API
Log out of the SentinelOne Console.
Log back into the SentinelOne Console, this time as the newly-created Expel API User.
In the upper right, Expel API > select My User.
From the Option list, select Generate API Token.
Click Download. The generated token is used next in the registration steps for Workbench.
Step 4: Configure SentinelOne in Workbench
In a new browser tab, log into Workbench.
Fill in the fields like this:
For Name, type a name for the security device.
For Location, type cloud.
For Server address, type the SentinelOne device hostname in the following format:
. Make sure you include your port number at the end like this example: https://<your_address> -
For API Key type the API key generated in Step 3.5.
SentinelOne, Sentinel1, sentinal, sentielone, Sentinel